DATE 2015.9.18 (Fri) - 20 (Sun)
Ushijima Shrine was founded on A.D. 860.
It is said that the first ceremony was held on September 15th.
On the grand ceremony, once in five years, the classical style procession parades
the local area.
The length of the procession reaches about 35km.
Gissha and Chigo, an ox-drawn carriage and children who dressed in traditional
costumes, join in that procession. In Ushijima Shrine's precinct, there is a statue
of a cow called "Nade-ushi".
Nade-ushi is believed to heal your body, by touching
the same part where you want to be cured.
This religious festival finds its origin due to an oracle by Jikaku daishi.The next time that the carriage will be pulled around is 2017.